Monday, February 23, 2009

creating a simple chart on microsoft excel

Company price # of computers total price
Dell 3.5 10 35
Averatec4 10 40
Apple 5 10 50
total of all computers 125

-Sorry i could not post the actual excel spreadsheet.

Creating a simple chart with Microsoft excel
Important: You must have Microsoft office excel installed on your computer. You must also know how to locate and open Microsoft office excel.
These instructions will guide you through creating the attached excel spreadsheet. They will step by step explain how to input data and use basic formulas on excel. The idea behind these instructions is to get you to know excel on a basic level for creating simple spreadsheets.
• Quotations around data indicate data to be entered. E.x. “company”
• All words and numbers to be inputted will be referred to as data.
Do not type the quotations when entering data
Inputting data
1. Start with a blank excel spreadsheet (seen when excel is opened).
2. Double click on the upper left most cell labeled A1 and type “company”.
3. Double click on the cell labeled B1 and type “price”.
4. Double click on the cell labeled C1 and type “# of computers”.
5. Double click on the cell labeled D1 and type “total”.
6. Double click on the cell labeled A2 and type “Dell”.
7. Double click on the cell labeled A3 and type “Averatec”.
8. Double click on the cell labeled A4 and type “Apple”.
9. Double click on the cell labeled B2 and type “3.5”.
10. Double click on the cell labeled B3 and type “4”.
11. Double click on the cell labeled B4 and type “5”.
12. Double click on the cell labeled C2 and type “10”.
13. Double click on the cell labeled C3 and type “10”.
14. Double click on the cell labeled C4 and type “10”.
15. Double click on the cell labeled C5 and type “total of all computers”.

Inputting formulas and doing simple calculations
1. Double click on the cell labeled D2 and type “=B2*C2”. By using this multiplication calculation you can change the values in cell B2 and C2 and the total will automatically adjust.
2. Double click on the cell labeled D3 and type “=B3*C3”.
3. Double click on the cell labeled D4 and type “=B4*C4”.
4. Double click on the cell labeled D5 and type “=Sum(D2:D4)”. This formula will add cells D2 through D4 and will also automatically adjust if the values are changed.

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